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A Fancy Dinner Party

Contest Script


Much like the short stories published here, this script was written with similar guidelines. Two days to write a five page script with a specific genre, object, and location. For "A Fancy Dinner Party", I was given "horror" as my genre, a "walking stick" as my object", and "A country club". I really enjoyed writing this one and am pleased how it came out.  As a bonus, it creeped the hell out of the contest judges. - CM


P.S. I know the text is a little small on the mobile site. It has to be to maintain the formatting. Zoom in the best you can. Sorry. -CM


            *                                              *                                                      * 


           FADE IN:




          DINNING ROOM


          The Maxeria Country Club's dinning room is exquisite. The

          interior appears to be more of an 19th century mansion than

          a that of a country club.


          Dark stained wood panels line the walls and are adorned with

          numerous pictures of varying dates and wooden shelves that

          hold trophies, plaques, and other memorabilia. 


          Myriad animal heads are placed all around the cavernous

          room; Most are recognizable, but others appear strange and

          unusual. The light from a large, roaring fireplace dances

          across the marble floor and lights the mounted heads, making

          all -- normal or abnormal -- appear menacing. 


          A magnificent chandelier hangs over a long, even darker

          stained table, at which a large number of DINNER GUESTS are

          sat, all in elegant and posh tuxedos and dresses.


          Crystal wine glasses are filled or being filled by MALE

          SERVANTS in traditional black and wait wear, complete with

          bow ties. Each one carries a large crystal carafe filled

          with dark, red liquid. They finish their round and step back

          and wait against the walls of the room.


          At the head of the table, with his back to the fireplace, a

          GREY-HAIRED MAN (50s) stands, dressed in similar fashion as

          the rest of the guests and leaning heavily on an

          ancient-looking shillelagh. He taps his wine glass with a

          long, silver knife.


          The COLLECTIVE MURMUR OF CONVERSATION around the room



                              GREY MAN

                    Good evening, dear friends. I

                    haven't had a chance to speak to

                    all of you tonight, but I assure

                    you that I will before the evening

                    is out.


          The attention in the dinning room is rapt. All eyes are

          locked on the Grey Man.


                              GREY MAN

                    As most of you who know understand,

                    I am not much for speeches. I want

                    you all to enjoy the evening to

                    it's fullest.


          Two more MALES SERVANTS, these wearing the white over coats

          and hats of cooks enter the room from a side door, one at

          each end of a six foot long, silver covered dish.


                              GREY MAN (CON'T)

                    That said, I formally wish to

                    welcome you to the Maxeria Country

                    Club's one-hundred and fiftieth



          A ROUND OF POLITE APPLAUSE echos around the room from the



          The Grey Man steps aside to allow the cooks to place the

          covered dish and slide it onto the table longways. The cooks

          take two steps back and wait.


                              GREY MAN

                    A fun thing to note: all the food

                    for tonight, I have personally

                    hunted and caught on my own private

                    game reserve.


          The covered dish RATTLES and a MUFFLED NOISE comes from

          within. The Grey Man seems not to notice and continues

          without missing a beat.


                              GREY MAN (CON'T)

                    There is meat for all tastes and

                    desires. The veal is particularly

                    succulent. Also, there is some

                    nicely-aged meat, both dark and



          More WHITE-CLAD COOKS enter, some carrying three-foot long

          covered dishes; others carry smaller dishes.


          The dishes are placed at various points on the table and,

          like the first two cooks, all the servants take two steps

          back from the table, while the servants who filled the wine

          step forward from the wall and stand next to the cooks,

          encircling the table.


                              GREY MAN (CON'T)

                    However, if you are like me and

                    like a more exotic experience...


          He nods slightly to the cooks behind him who step forward

          and lift the large cover off of the silver platter with



                              GREY MAN (CON'T)

                    ...try the meat fresh.


          On the platter, a YOUNG MAN (20s), is restrained by metal

          cuffs around his ankles, wrists, and forehead. Aside from

          this, he is completely nude and shaven from head to toe and

          has an apple wedged into his mouth.


          The dinning party clap their hands and issue a collective OH

          and AH at the sight.


          The Grey Man picks up a long, sharp silver carving knife and

          places it on the thigh of the Young Man.


                              GREY MAN (CON'T)

                    I prefer dark meat, myself.


          He CHUCKLES.


          The GUESTS LAUGH appreciatively.


          He saws into the young man's leg.


          The SCREAMS OF PAIN are muffled by the apple.


          The Grey Man finishes his slicing, puts down the knife, and

          picks up the fresh, bleeding slice of meat and places it in

          his mouth.


          His eyes close and flutter slightly as he chews the meat,

          savoring it for a moment before swallowing. His eyes open

          again and he looks pleased. He picks up his wine glass and

          raises it to the crowd.


                              GREY MAN

                    Dig in!


          The servants step forward in unison and lift the covers off

          of all the dishes.


          Human bodies, prepared in various styles and sizes, are

          arranged on the platters. Small bodies which closely

          resemble roasted chickens. Roasted heads, arms, and legs sit

          atop decorative vegetables and leafy greens. 


          An EXCITED CLAMOR rises as the guests help themselves to the

          human fare.


          The Grey Man takes a generous sip of his wine,a little of

          which trickles out of the corner of his mouth and down the

          side of his chin in a way that is thoroughly not like wine.




                                                                                FADE TO BLACK













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